cheers to three years

Isn’t it cool to be with someone who has the same level of quirkiness as you?

[ March 10, 2019 ]

It was a Sunday morning, and I remember gathering up all my art supplies so I can make a creative way to say ‘Yes’ to be your girlfriend. Folded up a paper to make a small zine, with corny puns and cut-out comic strips. We went out to Malingap for a zero-waste pop-up, got matching shampoo bars, bought a bar of brownies that we shared while we walked towards Maginhawa. We finally found a coffee shop where we could hang out. I’m not sure if you knew that I was gonna say it that day. I handed over the little zine I made, and I was watching you as you go through the pages. I forgot what I exactly said on the last page, but I was delighted to see how your eyes lit up that moment.

[ March 10, 2020 ]

Most couples plan out the most exciting anniversary events, but I remember how lame (but cute) our first anniversary was. We both came from work, went to get a discounted steak from Booky but it was awful. It was the worst restaurant we ever went to, and I felt bad for suggesting that Booky date. Although the restaurant part was a fiasco, I remember you getting us a large cup of frozen yogurt and we walked around the mall, laughing out loud from our exchange of store name and tagline puns. It wasn’t the most Instagram-worthy day, but whenever I think about it, it’s really in the small gestures and our usual kulitan I find genuine happiness in.

[ March 10, 2021 ]

It was another workday, and I honestly wasn’t expecting that we’ll be seeing each other that day, since we both had work, and it was already late at night. But you were always up for adventure– with your trusty 80’s ride, you took me out to get wings and fries within the neighborhood. Having (and making) good food together has always been our special bond, and where we have the most connection.

[ March 10, 2022 ]

We’ve planned lots of things that we could have done for this day. Fancy dinner date, picnic, even traveling. But we ended up getting fancy groceries, choosing the nicest cut of steak, trying our best not to look sneaky at the food sampling section, sharing a piece of Louisiana chicken roll, and watching Blue’s Clues and Peppa Pig with our little niece. We made a really fancy dinner of steak, tomato and pesto pasta, roasted potatoes and some nice wine (for me) and grape juice (for you). It’s more than what I wanted that day to be.

Comparing all of those events together, I think their common denominator (besides the date and the people involved which is us lol) is the mundane things we do together that give me bliss– something that will make me smile before I rest my eyes at night.

I love you, my bb.

4 responses to “cheers to three years”

  1. Nakakakilig at nakakagutom. Haha. Stay inlove! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hihi! Thank you! 🥰

      Liked by 1 person

  2. This is so beautiful, happy anniversary 💞

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you dear! 🌷

      Liked by 1 person

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ciao, it’s chams

I attempt to share special tidbits of my life in this blog. Welcome to the main brain dump. :)
